torsion fields

19.1.2020 Конференция сакральная геометрия и торсионные поля

регистрация на конференцию через фейсбук или по телефонах или через чат торсионные поля

Torsion fields chat

Матрица с пирамиды

Лечение аутизма писанкой и колыбельными

Энергетика хлеба Мария Чумарна

Волновая генетика слова

thermal imaging unit

With help of the thermal imaging unit the influence of embroidery upon human body organs has been researched. When a...

Resonant frequencies of torsion fields.

The Ukrainian embroidery in accordance with pattern corresponds to the Chladni patterns. Chladni figures are created in accordance with the...

video interpretation (Russian- English)

An example of video interpretation (Russian- English) including subtitles creating, edit and publishing (video lectures, presentations etc.) Sphere: physics and...

Welding apparatus for dot welding of the supercapacitors

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