Quaker-1 torsion field detector

The Quaker-1 device is designed for the geopathogenic zones searching, for measuring the sizes of the auras of humans, crystals, plants, and water. It can transform the energy of people, crystals, plants and locations of force into the sound. This sound carries the information about the object from which it was scanned. Quaker 1 is a device that scans the energy of the portal at the power locations of the planet. It shows whether the portal is open or closed. The use of the Quaker-1 device makes possible the transformation of the portal’s energy into the sound key that activates the portal. Everyone can mathematically calculate the coordinates of the portals in their territory, go there and check their activity on their own with the help of the Quaker-1 device. There is a possibility of writing down the sound key of the portal and participating in the creation of the sound keys database of the planetary crystalline lattice of the Earth. Quaker-2 device has 2 antennas for searching and scanning the portal dimensions of the Earth crystalline lattice subsystem (geocrystals).

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